"I'm not clear on what I am aiming for."
"There's no way I will achieve that!"
"The stakes are too high."
"I'm not as good as what I think I am."
"People's expectations of me are too high."
"There is just too much pressure on me."
One of the biggest challenges that we face in maximising our performance and achieving our absolute best is managing that unhelpful inner voice.
If you find that inner critic taking hold and hindering your performance, goals or results, then this programme is for you.
When it comes to upping your game or improving your results in any aspect of your life, the secret to your success formula lies within. Whether it is fitness, business or more general productivity, having the ability to harness an optimal state of performance is often the difference that can make all the difference.
In this programme, we will dive into the world of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to help us leverage the power of our minds to enter a state of 'flow'. We will look at a range of tactics to help ensure your goals will give you the greatest chance of success from the outset and help you take control over that inner critic.
What's included?
What else?
As well as three live group workshops, you can also expect the following as part of the programme:
Two sixty-minute facilitated discussion groups
Change doesn't happen by simply turning up and listening to what the nice man or lady has to say. It happens by thinking about what new ideas and information mean for you personally, as well as listening to other people's perspectives and insights.
Our discussion groups allow space for reflection, planning and further learning. As with all of our sessions, you can get involved as much or as little as you choose.
One-on-one coaching session
As well as a short check-in session with one of our coaches, we also offer a fifteen-minute check-out coaching session at the end of your programme.
These personal conversations will help you to focus on your goals, intentions and actions during, and after the programme. This will not only help you to stay mindful of your key insights and learning points, but it will also ensure that you are getting maximum value from the programme.
Programme workbook
We will provide you with a digital workbook. Alternatively, we can send you a hard copy at your request. This will contain all of the ideas and concepts that we explore in each of the workshops, as well as set activities and tasks which we will encourage you to carry out in between sessions.