Become qualified and registered as a professional NLP Practitioner;​
Coach others in overcoming a range of presenting problems;
Become a master of influence and manage the impact that you have on everyone around you;
Become a leader of change with a powerful toolkit of new skills, resources and behavioral processes;
All within a 12-week period of blended learning.
The next course starts
Wed 29th Jan 2025
NLP Training
in Fife
The ultimate personal development programme
George Zielinski

**One-on-one NLP Training and Certification is now available by request!
Do you ever get the feeling that you have missed your calling in life, or that you have so much more to give than what you are currently doing?
For years I was sitting behind a desk in a banking career that I somehow fell into. Taking wrong turn after wrong turn, I was at my wits end. I spent more time on 'job search' sites than focusing on my actual work. I was searching, searching for anything other than whatever it was that I was supposed to be doing.
I was turned off, disengaged, and just totally fed up with the status quo.
Things got so bad that I inevitably fell into a pit of despair and depression where something just had to give. Something had to change.
Years later, having trained and coached thousands of managers and leaders in a range of industries, I have come to discover that this psychological state that I once found myself in was not that uncommon.
In fact, when I started supporting professionals with NLP and Hypnotherapy to manage the crushing effects of stress and burnout, I come to realise that it was very common, and many of my clients reported feeling 'stuck'.
This is why I train others in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, widely referred to as the study and practice of human excellence, to help as many people as possible better navigate the choices and decisions that they make in their personal and professional lives.
The kind of decisions that can often lead to those sliding door moments where one right or wrong turn is just around the corner. The kind that can present us with wondrous opportunity, or debilitating disappointment and regret.
NLP changed my life. No exaggeration. After grabbing voluntary redundancy back in 2011, I threw myself into learning NLP and training as professional practitioner. It literally opened my eyes and allowed me to see the world in a brand-new light. A world where I felt like for the very first time that I was the curator of my own destiny.
Nowadays, I feel truly privileged to have been running my NLP Practitioner Training and Certification programme for five-years now, and I have watched dozens of individuals who were all on their own journey, find their mojo and leave that old corporate ball and chain in the past.
Each year that I choose to run this programme, I know that I am sending a new squad of personal change warriors out into the world with fire in their belly to help others, and create new business opportunities for themselves at the same time. This gives me an enormous sense of pride.
Coaching others using NLP tools and processes can really change lives. We all have an incredible capacity to have an exponential impact on the world. All it takes is one thought and one behaviour at a time!
Are you with us?
Change your life by learning Neuro-Linguitic Programming (NLP)

Join us on the NLP Practitioner Training and Certification Programme delivered online, via Zoom and with a final face-to-face 2-day classroom event.
You too can gain the skills, behavioural competence and certification to start practising as an NLP professional coach with individuals and groups in a variety of settings.
As well as helping us to gain a fresh and renewed sense of purpose, NLP can be used to:
Strengthen important relationships
​Achieve a greater sense of freedom and choice in life and work
Have more control over behaviour, habits and impulses
Communicate with greater influence and persuasion
Improve our personal and professional performance
Develop new strategies for achieving successful outcomes
Increase personal and professional effectiveness
Develop and sharpen our leadership capabilities
I want you to have a world-class learning experience unlike any other training you have ever experienced!
Reserve your space on the programme starting 29th January

Hey! I'm George Zielinski and it is my aim to modernise NLP.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is in need of modernisation, both in terms of learning and its application. It should ALWAYS feel exciting and inspiring and I want my students to have a magical experience when learning with me.
My mission is to create a world full of NLP warriors who can help others to solve problems, generate solutions and achieve their goals.
I work predominantly in the corporate sector, facilitating behaviour-based learning to a wide range of companies. My expertise is in leadership development, coaching and feedback and performance management.
I also run a clinical hypnotherapy practice where I specialise in helping clients better manage the symptoms of stress and burnout within the workplace.
As well as running GrowMyself, I volunteer as a mentor for various community groups and charitable organisations such as the National Parent Forum for Scotland.
I use my business acumen, learning expertise and NLP mastery to ensure that you receive the highest standard of training using the recognised ANLP syllabus.
I value professionalism, quality and ethics and this is why I am associated with leading, credible and professional bodies.
Here are my professional memberships:

What makes my NLP training different?
I am not just a modern and dynamic NLP trainer, but I am also a qualified, skilled and highly experienced HR learning professional. Through my company, GrowMyself, I have trained, coached and designed strategic learning programmes for some of the world's best known organisations.
But, more than this...
I am not just your average NLP Trainer!
I have had a varied and colourful career which allows me to share many insightful and entertaining stories to add greater context and meaning. In my early career, I worked as an overseas holiday representative before moving into financial services as a senior leader and HR professional. To date, I have coached thousands of managers, in dozens of global organisations, to help grow their talent and leadership capability.
I choose majestic locations for face-to-face learning!
For the classroom in-person finale of the NLP programme, I want my participants to feel completely immersed in the learning experience and to feel energised by the surroundings and the atmosphere. Previously we have wrapped up our training in Ibiza and the Scottish Highlands to name a few. However, as they say, there is no place like home. This years course will be right here in the glorious Kingdom of Fife.
I utilise all of the outdoor resources when teaching!
I use nature, the environment and the many wondrous metaphors and resources of the great outdoors to bring NLP content alive. I make sure that we are moving around and interacting with each other and with the natural environment.
On top of this, you can also expect:
Engaging delivery
Relaxed and informal learning with emphasis on group interaction to hold your attention and keep you involved.

High-quality materials
Our content and course materials are both digital and physical which support your learning before, during and after your training.

Supportive mentorship
Our trainers create a mentor-based relationship with the group, providing on-demand support to help embed your learning.

ANLP Pro. membership
Our NLP certifications will provide the required standard of training to become a professional member of Association of NLP (ANLP).

Here is what others have to say about my training:
“Training with George was a revelation!
No stuffy classroom and textbooks, his approach of insightful practical demonstrations and theory to back it all up made for such a great learning experience.
Even the group discussion he engineered made this course one of the best I have been on.”
D. Robertson, Hypnotherapist
"I have been attending George's NLP sessions for a few months now.
The sessions are extremely engaging, interesting and, most importantly, he puts a practical slant on the content by keeping it interactive and encouraging practice.
I am already seeing changes to the way in which I communicate."
D. Brown, Actuary
"George was a fantastic facilitator of the course.
I really appreciated his delivery style and gained a lot from the course.
It exceeded my expectations and was by far the best training I’ve attended in a while - would welcome the opportunity to attend further courses."
M. Shah, ScotGov
"I thought the overall course was really good and very relevant.
I liked that it was interactive and there was the opportunity to speak with peers in small breakout groups.
I will definitely be applying the strategy and tactics in the future"
C. Dolan, Financial Services
A look at our previous NLP courses
As well as the weekly online modules, participants have the programme crescendo to look forward to. The classroom-based workshops always have an energising outdoor learning theme and include:
• ‘Walk and talk’ group and paired discussions
• Group reflective practice and learning debriefs
• Trainer demonstrations of NLP change processes
• Subgroup and paired practice activities
• Team-based activities and icebreakers
• Personal reflection time and action planning
• Self-led research tasks with presentation and feedback
• Workbook activities
• Optional video diaries